Take your power back today. Look here for tips on how to create and share your petition.
If you can't work, how can you pay?
If your landlord or mortgage holder is threatening your housing and you want to organize to stay, this online tool was built for you! Now more than ever, housing stability is a public health issue and essential to protecting all human life. Now is not the time to feel ashamed of your struggle. It is a time to come together to fight for your right to remain. At this time, landlords have more means than tenants to outlast an economic crisis, and some have even had mortgage payments frozen by the federal government. Despite this, residents are still expected to pay their rent! People who have lost work do not have the means to survive if they are still paying rent. This is why it’s important for folks in this situation to come together, take on their landlords/banks and negotiate a rent or mortgage freeze.
Build support from your community
Landlords and banks have lots of money and politicians at their disposal, but organized communities can still fight back together, no matter how powerful their opponents might seem. If you commit to the fight, you’ll be surprised to see how many others will stand with you. It doesn’t take thousands of people and large organizations. Most home defense fights have been won by just a few dozen neighbors coming together.
Together we can win!
We built this platform to connect with you, to organize with you, and to celebrate a victory for you and your community! The first thing we need you to do is share your story! Transform shame into power. We know that talking about losing your home is the last thing most people want to do, especially when we’re asking you to share your story publicly. However, sharing your story is the #1 best way to mobilize people to support your fight and join the movement. Remember, most people in this country have lost or know someone who has lost their home at some point in their lives. A simple, compelling narrative helps people understand the situation and feel connected to the cause. This petition platform is easy to use, as you complete each section simple prompts guide you through the process.
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